
Paolo Kalaw

Founder and CEO of Nimbyx

Paolo Kalaw is a Canadian entrepreneur focused on healthcare technology. For over 25 years, Paolo has been an active CEO, Chairman, Director, and Investor of numerous medical and dental companies that are constantly raising the bar in their respective industries.

At the age of 29, he started a dental laboratory business that expanded from startup to over 1000 employees and transformed it into one of the largest dental lab operations in North America.

After the sale of the business to a private equity group in 2006, Paolo acquired Frontier Dental Laboratories. Paolo’s innovative work with Frontier revolutionized dental lab marketing by using data, analytics, and social media to drive over 40% year-over-year growth without a sales force.

Now, Paolo is the CEO of disruptive technology-enabled companies, EVA Digital Clinic, ALINA, and most notably, Evident, one of the leading digital platforms for dentistry with over 600 labs and 110,000 dental practices worldwide.

Our Founder

More News on Paolo Kalaw

How to Grow in a
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PAOLO KALAW | April 27, 2019

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Workaholic left 80-hour weeks, only to
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UBC Dentistry gains $1M to enhance
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PAOLO KALAW | April 27, 2019

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